Learn and have fun with Succeed2gether over the summer!
Contact us at 973-746-0553 or email info@succeed2gether.org to register and apply.

Class Information
Make a Picture Book!
Poem Away the Blues
Tuesdays June 25, July 2, 9, and 23. No class on July 16 | 3:30-4:30 p.m. | Rising 5th-8th Graders
Poetry questions. Poetry answers. Poetry plays. Poetry sings. Poetry is freedom to express however you choose to place words on paper or screen. Let’s gather and create poems that encompass all of this and more. You don’t need any experience, just bring your imagination and, together, we will collaborate and write individually. Each week, I will introduce new word play—writing prompts to inspire each of you.
The teacher is Judith Antelman, a poet, writer and editor. In May 2021, Judith earned her MFA in Creative Writing from The New School. Her debut poetry collection, The Pugilist’s Daughter, was published in April 2022 by Blue Jade Press, LLC. When not writing, Judith plays classical piano and wishes she had been a classical pianist.
Outdoor Gardening
Wednesdays | June 26 and July 29 | 4:00-5:00 p.m. | Rising 1st - 12th Graders (limited to 12 students)
Classes are held at 16 Miller Street
July 8th - Aug. 1st| 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. and/or 2:00 - 3:00 p.m.| Rising Grades 3th - 12th
Chess coach Steve Moctezuma has taught enrichment chess classes and summer chess camps at S2G and other schools for many years.
Noneillah Fashion Imagery and Enchantment: Fashion Art
Urban Design
July 22nd - July 25th| 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.| Rising Grades 3th - 12th LIMITED SPACE
ReUrban partners with Suceed2gether again to run 8-day summer sessions that provide young children opportunities to reshape and re envision their community through urban planning and design. Participants will practice civic engagement, engaging with questions about how to make their community more vibrant and environmentally sustainable.
They will also participate in hands-on activities that incorporate both natural and synthetic materials to create a new and reimagined model of their community for their final projects.
Taught by Yuki Kishimoto, the founder and lecturer of ReUrban, is a rising first-year architecture student at the New Jersey Institute of Technology.
He has been actively involved in the urban design field with the Courtyard Revamp project at Glen Ridge High School and is an active volunteer for Urban Land Institute. Through volunteering with Succeed2gether’s reading enrichment projects, he is excited to introduce young children to the importance of urban design as a means of giving back to the community.
STEM for Boys
July 15th - 18th | 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. | Rising Grades 4th-5th
Taught by Jake, a Junior at Montclair Kimberley Academy who loves all things STEM related!
In these classes, the young boys will learn the previews of their upcoming math and science curriculums for the new school year. It will consist of experiments, online games, short fun quizzes, and lots of fun! The goal of the class is to improve all learners’ school skills and allow for them to have an understanding of what they will be walking into in the classroom. Expect an enjoyable summer experience!
July 22nd - 25th| 11:00 - 12:00 p.m.| Rising Grades 1st - 3rd
Taught by Jake, a Junior at Montclair Kimberley Academy who loves all things STEM related!
Add Sum Fun is a class that will teach the students the basics/introduction to all ideas of math. It will include work/mini quiz games from Khan Academy, and after a week of being introduced to the curriculum, a fun Math Jeopardy. The class strives to be a fun and engaging environment where all students will begin their math journey in the world!
STEM Superstars
July 29th - Aug 1st| 11:00 - 12:00 p.m.| Rising Grades 1st - 3rd
Taught by Ms. Flood. She will be teaching the S.T.E.M Superstars and Math Class. She has experience working with K-3 grade level students in both the Montclair and Nutley School Districts. Ms. Flood is looking forward to a great summer program!
This is a class geared towards exploring the world of S.T.E.M. Each day will focus on one of the following content areas: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Students will engage in different science experiments, interactive technology programs, hands-on projects, and more!