The fourth Succeed2gether's Montclair Literary Festival was to have taken place from Wednesday March 25 to Sunday March 29, 2020. Due to the current health crisis, all ticketed festival events have been moved to online events – welcome to the Festival at Home series. Details below. You can view recordings on our YouTube channel here.
New Festival Day planned for Saturday September 12, 2020. Details here.
Arielle Eckstut & Joann Eckstut
What is Color?
Bill Buford
You can view the recording of this online event on YouTube here. You can buy a copy of Dirt from Festival partner Watchung Booksellers here.

Paul Krugman
Arguing with Zombies
John Sayles
Yellow Earth
This online event took place on Thursday June 25. Stay tuned for the recording. You can buy a copy of Yellow Earth from Festival partner Watchung Booksellers here.

Madeline Miller
This online event took place on Wednesday June 3. Stay tuned for the recording. You can buy a copy of Circe from Festival partner Watchung Booksellers here.

Colum McCann Apeirogon
Mo Rocca Mobituaries: Great Lives Worth Reliving

Nicholas Kristof & Sheryl WuDunn Tightrope: Americans Reaching for Hope
Erik Larson
The Splendid and the Vile

The festival supports Succeed2gether's programming and mission of spreading the love of reading.
Donate today.