Succeed2gether’s one-on-one FREE after-school tutoring is the mainstay of the Succeed2gether programs. Tutoring will start again in September 23, 2024.
Tutoring is FREE for low- and moderate-income families, sliding scale for others. You will be asked to show payslips or income amounts to qualify for free tutoring. All salary information is received and used in strict confidence.
Tutoring consists of one or more sessions per week, between Monday and Thursday. Sessions start in September and conclude in late May. Tutoring will be offered Mondays from 3:00 – 5:00 PM, Tuesdays from 4:00 – 7:00 PM, Wednesdays from 3:00 – 6:00 PM, and Thursdays from 3:00 – 6:00 PM.
Sessions on Zoom are available on request. In-person sessions take place on the Children’s floor (3rd), Montclair Public Library, 50 South Fullerton Ave, Montclair NJ 07042.
See the application form here, or email us for more details.
If you are interested in tutoring our students, the job description and application form can be found here.
“Disclaimer: the advertised event is not a school sponsored function or an endorsement by the school district.”
A Family Goes to College
“Succeed2gether has given me life-changing support throughout the years. My oldest grandchild, now 23, was involved since high school, becoming the first in his family to graduate from high school and attend a university. My second, who often needed special assistance, later became the second to graduate high school and attend college. My third attended tutoring and later tutored others. My fourth, who has autism, discovered a talent for music in a violin workshop. My youngest, failing math in the 3rd grade, last year earned an ‘A.’ She is now a proud and confident 8th grader who wants to tutor younger children.”
—Adela McKnight, Montclair resident
For more success stories, see here.