Welcome to Do the Write Thing, a series of writing workshops presented by Succeed2gether's Montclair Literary Festival.
All workshops cost $25 each and are conducted via Zoom. Registration links will be sent asap and again just before the workshop begins.
Proceeds from all workshops benefit Succeed2gether, a Montclair-based non-profit 501(c) organization that addresses unequal access to educational resources for low-income families and children from Montclair and Essex County, NJ. A portion of each workshop ticket is donated to Succeed2gether.
Please note that there are no refunds for this event. If you would prefer to pay by check, please contact Succeed2gether on 973-746-0553.
Any questions, please email montclairliteraryfestival@gmail.com.
SATURDAY FEBRUARY 27, 2:00 P.M. – 3:30 P.M.
Food Writing Workshop
with Marissa Rothkopf Bates
This 90-minute interactive class will help you hone your food writing skills, whether you're working on fiction or non-fiction, want to write a blog or cookbook, or just create better Yelp reviews. We'll discuss what makes copy stand out, and look at how your voice, storytelling and reporting makes a good food story. We'll explore techniques for writing engaging, thoughtful copy through reading, speed-writing prompts, and yes, eating. We'll also review how to write a solid recipe.
Requirements: Please bring a slice of pizza to eat during the online session – anything from a slice of your favorite to something from your freezer.
SATURDAY FEBRUARY 27, 4:00 P.M. – 5:30 P.M.
Self-Publish Like a Pro Workshop
with Eva Lesko Natiello
Planning to self-publish? Don't get daunted by the process. Learn the critical steps you'll need to take before clicking 'publish' with confidence and authority. This workshop is for authors of all genres. Eva will review the steps an author should take before starting the publishing process, the different types of self-publishing routes there are – from complete DIY to working with self-publishing companies – and actionable strategies to self-publish like a pro. Everything a savvy indie author needs will be covered in this workshop.
SATURDAY MARCH 6, 2:00 P.M. – 3:30 P.M.
Memoir Writing Workshop
with Benilde Little
Memoirs have consistently been one of the top-selling book genres for the last five years. Benilde Little will lead you on a hands-on exploration of how to structure and reveal pivotal moments in your life to create an impactful memoir that will resonate with your readers. Please bring to the workshop: three or four pages of your written work. It's a good idea to write about something you want to focus on – we will get to the guts of your work, good and difficult alike. You will read your work aloud and, as a group, we will discuss the various approaches you can take to recreate and illuminate your selected memories into a cohesive whole.
SATURDAY MARCH 6, 4:00 P.M. – 5:30 P.M.
Picture Book Writing Workshop
with Lori Richmond
Are you one of the 9 out of 10 people who has a secret dream to write and/or illustrate a children’s picture book? If so, join Lori Richmond as she helps you jump start your project with a crash course on how to do it. You’ll learn about the creative side like character, conflict, and story arc, and the practical side like page counts, layouts, and formats. We’ll analyze modern picture books, study what makes a great “first line,” and do some in-class exercises to reconnect with our own childhoods which may serve as inspiration for your own work. Lori will draw from her personal experiences of writing and/or illustrating nine picture books.
SUNDAY MARCH 7, 2:00 P.M. – 3:30 P.M.
Murder Mystery Writing Workshop
with Valerie Wilson Wesley
Always wanted to be a modern-day Agatha Christie or Arthur Conan Doyle? Have you ever read a mystery novel and knew you could come up with a better plot? Join Valerie Wilson Wesley as she shows you how it's done. With insight from her own experiences in writing mystery novels, Valerie will discuss the crafting of character, setting and pace that are essential to writing a stand-out mystery novel or cozy.
SUNDAY MARCH 7, 4:00 P.M. – 5:30 P.M.
Get Published Successfully...Today!
with The Book Doctors
It is the greatest time in history to be a writer. The barrier to publishing has been torn down and now anyone can get published. But to get published successfully is a whole other matter. The Book Doctors – Arielle Eckstut and David Henry Sterry – take you through the entire publishing process. This step-by-step, soups-to-nuts workshop will remove the smoke and mirrors from the murky world of publishing and give writers a compass and map to a successfully published book. Topics covered include:
* Choosing the right idea
* Crafting an attention-getting pitch
* Finding the right agent/publisher
* Self-publishing effectively without getting ripped off
* Finding your audience and building a following through social media.